
Why Silk Doonas Can Help Arthritis

After doing a lot of research and talking to a lot of people over the years the reasons why a silk doona may be beneficial to those with athritis are pretty simple:

1. Lightweight

Being lightweight has two key advantages.  

Firstly there is no excessive weight on the joints that can aggravate any arthritic pain.  This can be exacerbated even further when one trys to move or roll in their sleep if there is a heavy doona weighing you down and restricting your movement.

Secondly, when one is making the bed or changing the doona cover, a lighter doona is much easier to handle and control and does not put excessive stress on the joints and muscles while manouvering the doona inside the cover or straightening the bed.

2. Warm for Their Weight

Everyone acknowledges that cold conditions tend to make arthritic and other joint pain worse.

In the past if one wanted a lightweight doona it usually meant they were not warm enough.

Some people resorted to cheaper doonas with polyester fill, but these tend to make one hot and sweaty and have other associated problems as covered in the article on "allergies" in this website.

Because silk is much warmer than most other doonas with the same weight it can be both light and comfortably warm at the same time.